Group Management Report Products Safety and Health Environment Human Resources Social Commitment Consolidated Financial Statements 85
A Focus on Occupational Safety
For ALTANA, the health and safety of employees is its top
priority. Various technical and organizational measures that we
implement to protect employees from hazards according
to the respective sites’ production conditions as well as to the
laws and regulations are in effect at each location. ALTANA
also relies on training and other measures to achieve a uni-
form safety culture.
Since 2007, ALTANA has used the Work Accident Indicator
(WAI) as the most important key performance indicator
in order to observe the occupational safety at all sites and to
improve it. The indicator provides the number of occu-
pational accidents and lost work days and sets them in relation
to the total working hours. On the basis of these data,
ALTANA’s Management Board and the EH&S department define
three WAI values each year as targets that apply to all
of the companies in the ALTANA Group.
In 2018, as in the previous years, there were no fatal
accidents. Some sites have achieved remarkable occupational-
safety results. For instance, BYK Tongling and ELANTAS
Beck India at the Ankleshwar and Pimpri sites have not recorded
any lost work time due to accidents for more than
ten years. The following sites have been accident-free for
more than six years: ECKART Zhuhai (eight years), ACTEGA
Rhenacoat and ELANTAS Tongling (each seven years), and
ACTEGA Foshan (six years).
Overall, ALTANA improved all of its occupational-safety
key performance indicators (WAI 1, WAI 2, and WAI 3)
compared to the previous year, but only partially achieved
the targets it set itself in the year under review. Progress
was made particularly regarding accidents with longer-term
lost work time. Analyses of the accidents show that while
some have technical and organizational causes, most have behavior
based causes.
To further improve this result, ALTANA will focus more
on safety culture in the future. In addition to the further
WAI 1 (number of occupational accidents with lost work time of
one day or more per million working hours)
2015 4.73
2016 3.94
2017 4.01
2018 3.67
(Target 2019: 3.00)
Target 2018: 3.00
WAI 2 (number of occupational accidents with lost work time of
more than three days per million working hours)
2015 3.22
2016 2.52
2017 3.06
2018 2.69
(Target 2019: 2.10)
Target 2018: 2.10
WAI 3 (number of lost work days due to occupational accidents per
million working hours)
2015 57.04
2016 38.21
2017 54.58
2018 36.45
(Target 2019: 40.00)
Target 2018: 40.00
of technical and organizational measures,
behavior-based safety training serves to sharpen employees’
awareness of safety issues and train them to act safely
100 percent of the time.
In addition, ALTANA
published a newsletter titled
for the first time in 2018 and distributed it