Social Commitment
The natural sciences, mathematics, informatics, and technology
are among the drivers of economic development and
progress around the world. In this context, ALTANA
wants to help introduce young people
to these disciplines
at an early stage and to kindle their enthusiasm for them. In
addition, ALTANA is involved in a number of selected so-
cial projects. In cooperation with experienced partners from
the education sector, we support concrete projects, often
in the immediate proximity of our sites. To maximize lasting
impact, the company
usually promotes these projects over
a period of several years.
Educational Coaching of Elementary
School Children
ALTANA supported the educational coaching project at GGS
Innenstadt, the largest public elementary school in Wesel,
for the fifth time in a row (see also page 42 ff.). The project
was initiated by the City of Wesel and implemented by
the Klausenhof Academy in close cooperation with GGS
The main aim of the coaching is to promote
school children and to achieve equal opportunity
for children with a migration background and from socially
deprived backgrounds. The project also supports the development
of children with special talents.
As in the previous years, ALTANA financed the personnel
and material costs for a socio-educational expert at the
Klausenhof Academy. The expert assigns a “personal mentor”
to each child, trains the mentors, and coordinates
their work. A total of 35 children have been supported since
the project began in 2014. Currently, 18 children are assisted
and challenged on an individual basis by volunteer
mentors, who promote their personality development in
keeping with their interests and abilities. The support focuses
on extracurricular activities such as library visits, music,
and sports.
Junior Researchers Visit ALTANA
Furthering children’s and adolescents’ scientific knowledge
has a tradition at ALTANA. Employees of BYK-Chemie at
our Wesel site have worked as school ambassadors for many
years. ALTANA is a network partner of the Germany-wide
foundation House of Junior Researchers. For a number of years
now, it has accompanied two elementary schools and one
daycare center in Wesel. The aim of the initiative, which is
sponsored by the German Federal Government, is to get
children interested in science. The concept includes special
research days that take place in cooperation with school
ambassadors at the respective school or daycare center. In
2018, water and communication were the main topics of
the research days. In March, the junior researchers presented
their results to parents, teachers, and employees at the tra-
ditional closing event held at the ALTANA conference center.
In the context of various events, employees at other
sites also give young people insight into the world of science,
conduct experiments together with them, and introduce
them to scientific training and career possibilities. In Wallingford,
BYK USA took part in May in the Parker Farms
School Career Fair for third, fourth, and fifth graders. In Italy,
ELANTAS Europe employees thrilled the public with experiments
in September during the Night of Researchers, an
event series staged by the University of Parma.
Youth Startups Competition
ALTANA supports the online competition “Jugend gründet”
(Youth Startups), sponsored by the German Federal Government,
and in 2018 offered a special prize in chemistry for
96 Social Commitment