The financial statement documentation, the Corporate Report, the reports of PricewaterhouseCoopers
GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft on the audit of the annual financial
statements and the consolidated financial statements, as well as the Management Board’s
proposal for the distribution of the profit, were made available to all Supervisory Board members.
The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board dealt at length with this documentation.
The Supervisory Board plenum inspected the documentation and dealt with it in depth
at its balance sheet meeting in the presence of the auditor, who reported on the main
results of the examination. The Supervisory Board is in agreement with the findings of the
audit. Following its final examination, it has no grounds for objection. At its meeting of
March 12, 2019, the Supervisory Board approved the annual financial statements and consolidated
financial statements prepared by the Management Board. The annual financial
statements are thereby adopted. The Supervisory Board evaluated the Management Board’s
proposal for the distribution of the profit and is in agreement with its recommendation.
Report in Accordance with Section 312 of the German Stock
Corporation Act
The Management Board prepared a report in accordance with section 312 of the German
Stock Corporation Act on relations with affiliated companies for the 2018 fiscal year. The
Supervisory Board inspected this report and found it to be accurate. The auditor issued the
following audit opinion:
“On completion of our audit and assessment in accordance with professional standards,
we confirm that the factual statements of the report are correct and that the consideration
paid by the company for the legal transactions in the report was not inappropriately high.”
The Supervisory Board approved the auditor’s findings. Following the completion of its
own review, the Supervisory Board has no objections to the Management Board’s statement
at the end of the report.
Personnel Changes
With the end of the Ordinary Annual General Meeting of ALTANA AG on March 15, 2018,
the tenures on the Supervisory Board of Susanne Klatten, Dr. Lothar Steinebach, and the
employee representatives came to an end. Within the framework of the election of employee
representatives in the Supervisory Board on January 30, 2018, Dr. Annette Brüne, as well
as Ulrich Gajewiak, Armin Glashauser, Klaus Koch, and Stefan Weis, were reappointed as
18 Report of the Supervisory Board