Supervisory Board, a target of 25 % was resolved by the end
of the target-achievement period on June 30, 2020. For the
Management Board, no personnel changes or an extension
of the body are planned by the end of the target-achieve-
ment period, and so the body will continue to be without any
woman. For the first management level under the Man-
agement Board, the Supervisory Board resolved a share of
women of 20 % and for the second management level a
share of 30 %. Targets were also defined for the German
companies subject to codetermination.
Subsequent Events
In January 2019, we participated as planned in a further capital
increase in Landa Corp. totaling 50 million U.S. dollars.
After the capital increase, ALTANA’s share in the company
remains at 33.3 %.
70 Innovation and Employees I Subsequent Events I Expected Developments