SDG s with special relevance for ALTANA
Occupational Health and Safety
For ALTANA, the health and safety of its em-
ployees is a top priority. All of its worldwide
sites have established their own safety organization,
which includes adherence to all local
occupational safety regulations, training measures,
as well as recording and evaluating
accidents and near accidents. ALTANA uses the
Work Accident Indicator (WAI) as the most important key perfor-
mance indicator in order to observe the development of occupational
safety at all sites and to continually improve it. Further information
can be found in the “Health and Safety” chapter, in the accident key
performance indicators with the targets, as well as in the Management
Approach “Occupational Health and Safety.”
Training and Education
Our employees are our most important re-
source. ALTANA therefore promotes their professional
development, prepares them for
leadership positions, and enables them to participate
in the company’s economic success
in order to retain them in the long term. A special
focus is on recruiting young, specialized,
and managerial staff. Further information can be found in the “Human
Resources” chapter, in the GRI Content Index, and in the Management
Approach “Employee-Oriented Management.”
Gender Equality
Promoting women in leadership positions
remains a focus at ALTANA. By founding a
number of initiatives, including LEADING
WOMEN @ ALTANA and Mentoring for Women,
ALTANA seeks in the medium term to in-
crease the share of women in leadership positions
to the percentage of women among
all the company’s employees. Further information can be found in the
“Human Resources” chapter, in the Group Management Report, in
the human resources key performance indicators, and in the Manage-
ment Approach “Employee-Oriented Management.”
Sustainable Economic Growth
and Decent Work
Our customers’ success is at the center of
ALTANA’s business activities. We can only
be successful in the competitive environment
in the long run if we offer our customers
added value. We not only aim to secure longterm
economic success, but to be sustainable
in every respect. As a member of the UN Global Compact, ALTANA
therefore actively supports the targets of responsible corporate management.
Further information can be found in the Group Management
Report, in the Communication on Progress of the UN Global Compact,
and in the Management Approaches “Strategy,” “Compliance,” and
“Employee-Oriented Management.”
Innovation: New Products
and Technologies
ALTANA’s products and services are geared to
offering its customers special sustainable solutions
and to enable them to gain a competitive
advantage. To keep or to extend its position
as a leading specialty chemicals compa-
ny, the ALTANA Group intends to continually
expand its competencies. To achieve this goal, ALTANA steadily grows
its product portfolio through its own developments, as well as through
acquisitions and cooperation with other companies, universities, and
research institutes. Further information can be found in the “Products”
and “Innovation and Employees” chapters, as well as in the Man-
agement Approach “Innovative Solutions.”
Climate Protection Measures
Ecologically sound economic activity is a key
component of ALTANA’s corporate strategy.
Our goal is to continually reduce the energy
consumption and emissions at all of our
sites and to use resources efficiently. In addition,
ALTANA’s products contribute to im-
proving climate protection in the value chain.
ALTANA controls the Group’s efficiency regarding energy consumption
and the resulting CO² emissions with the help of defined performance
indicators and defined targets. Further information can be
found in the “Environment” and “Products” chapters as well as in the
environmental performance indicators with targets in the Manage-
ment Approaches “Energy” and “Emissions.”
10 Sustainability Management