Group Management Report Products Safety and Health Environment Human Resources Social Commitment Consolidated Financial Statements 93
Our Employees: Our Most Important Asset
ALTANA is a highly innovative globally leading specialty chemicals
company. Of overriding importance for the company’s
success is our most important resource, our employees, who
are motivated and dedicated and have above-average
qualifications. They are committed to the respectful corporate
culture defined in ALTANA’s Guiding Principles, which is
informed by our four central values: appreciation, openness,
empowerment to act, and trust.
As an attractive employer, we offer our some 6,400
employees around the world individualized further training
opportunities, promote their professional development
in a targeted manner, and support their health with special
preventive measures. Among the measures we offer are
many voluntary additional benefits. The success of our offer
is reflected by a survey conducted in 2018 at a few of
ALTANA’s German sites within the framework of a bachelor’s
thesis. Around one-fourth of the employees participated.
The survey participants were “completely satisfied” (40.5
percent) or “satisfied” (56.4 percent) with the additional
benefits offered. For most of the participants, the most important
benefits are pension provision, Christmas and
vacation money, flextime and compensatory time off, profit
participation, and the cafeteria. Nearly 70 percent indicate
that no important benefits are missing at present.
Human Resource Development and
Talent Management
To ensure that the company remains highly competitive in
globalized sales markets, a primary focus of the ALTANA
Group’s human resource strategy is to secure young talent.
Special emphasis is placed on consistent and global pro-
motion of internal talent. By 2020, we aim to fill around 70
percent of all management positions worldwide with
staff. To this end, we are continuously improving our
human resource development programs. In the year un-
der review, we reworked our competence model. The model
helps us develop and recruit employees on the basis of
our corporate strategy and our growth targets. In addition,
the competence model provides us with orientation enabling
us to determine competencies that our employees
already have when they join the company and ones we
have to (further) develop together with them.
In 2018, the Advanced Leadership Program (ALP) was
launched. With ALP the company’s leadership culture is
strengthened and networks between managers are intensified.
Selected experienced managers with a great willing-
ness to change and high potential for taking more responsibility
(for example, globally or cross-divisionally) can take
part in this program. Twelve managers are already taking
advantage of the opportunities offered by ALP.
In the year under review, a globally oriented Management
Development Program (MDP) with six modules was
again. Seventeen participants from nine countries
participated. The program is geared to employees with a
strong willingness to change and high international mobility,
as well as potential for strategic positions. In the context
of MDP, they are intensively prepared for global leadership
roles and have the opportunity to be part of networks.
On a regional level, dp Europe was introduced in the year
under review. In the Regional Development Program (Regional
DP) fourteen participants are prepared for operating
and strategic functions. The months-long programs MDP
and Regional DP enable valuable networks within the ALTANA
Group for promoting exchange between regions and sub-
Furthermore, we in the ALTANA Group carry out specially
developed dialogs with all employees on a regular basis.
They promote the employees’ professional development by
assessing their development. Within the framework of this
progress dialog carried out each year, the disciplinary super-