Group Profi le 2018
Key figures at a glance
2017 2018 %
in € million
Sales 2,247.0 2,307.4 3
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 470.0 430.6 - 8
EBITDA margin 20.9 % 18.7 %
Operating income (EBIT) 335.9 295.8 - 12
EBIT margin 14.9 % 12.8 %
Earnings before taxes (EBT) 306.0 264.1 - 14
EBT margin 13.6 % 11.4 %
Net income (EAT) 234.6 187.0 - 20
EAT margin 10.4 % 8.1 %
Research and development expenses 142.5 154.1 8
Capital expenditure on intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 188.0 187.0 - 1
Cash Flow from operating activities 302.3 296.2 - 2
Return on capital employed (ROCE) 11.3 % 9.4 %
ALTANA Value Added (AVA) 84.0 37.6 - 55
Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2018 %
in € million
Total assets 3,147.7 3,221.9 2
Shareholders’ equity 2,214.2 2,344.6 6
Net debt (-) / Net financial assets (+) ¹ (78.0) ( 95.6) - 23
Headcount ² 6,186 6,428 4
¹ Comprises cash and cash equivalents, current financial assets, marketable securities, loans granted, debt, and employee benefit obligations.
² When in the following the term “headcount” or “employees” is used, it refers to all staff members, male, female, or otherwise.
Due to rounding, this Corporate Report may contain minor differences between single values, and sums or percentages.
2017 2018 %
WAI 1 (number of occupational accidents with lost work time of one day or more
per million working hours)
4.01 3.67 - 8
WAI 2 (number of occupational accidents with lost work time of more than three days
per million working hours)
3.06 2.69 - 12
WAI 3 (number of lost work days due to occupational accidents per million working hours) 54.58 36.45 - 33
CO² total (Scope 1 + Scope 2) ³ (t) 187,548 193,085 3
CO² specific (Scope 1 + Scope 2) ³ (kg CO² / € gross value added) 0.21 0.21 0
CO² specific (Scope 1 + Scope 2) ³ (kg CO² / kg finished goods) 0.35 0.34 - 3
³ Scope1: direct emissions; Scope 2: indirect emissions