Corinna Link

Company:ECKART GmbH            
Role:Industrial Clerk Apprentice   
Has been with the company since:09/2008

Please describe your apprenticeship as industrial clerk at ECKART.
I have been doing an industrial clerk apprenticeship at ECKART in Güntersthal since September 1, 2008. In this profession I have the opportunity to work with numbers but also a lot with people.

The apprenticeship at ECKART is well-rounded and multifaceted. There is a wide variety of training and seminar options (e.g. product training courses, English classes, etiquette training, phone).

I was able to gain important experience during the introductory days at the beginning of my apprenticeship as well as while I was involved in the apprentice company, "JuniorCompany".

What apprenticeship stations could you get to know so far?
I change departments every two months. This gives me the opportunity to understand important workflows/processes in the company. I have already been through Purchasing, Sales, HR, Scheduling, Accounting, Controlling and many more departments. Each one brings new tasks, experiences and impressions. We are supported by an apprenticeship mentor during this time.

What are your professional goals?
I would like to continue to further develop myself on the basis of my vocational diploma, and my training company is supporting me in this decision. There is an extensive in-house continuing education portfolio. I can also, of course, seek counsel from within the company.  There are no limits on how far we can develop, and I am very thankful for this.

How did you come to find out about ALTANA as an employer?
I had heard only good things from friends and relatives, and the apprenticeship program has a very good reputation. ECKART is known for taking care of its employees. And that is why I applied.

Does ALTANA offer internal lessons?
English classes are held regularly, and the content conveyed is practical and important for my apprenticeship. The classes are enjoyable because one is better able to participate in the small learning groups.